The BoTree

Concierge News


Simone Carreti

Head Concierge

Can you tell us about the career path which led to where you are today?
I moved to London in 2011; the first job I had was as a receptionist in a 3-star Hotel in Notting Hill. A dear friend of mine, who moved to London a few years before me, helped me to find it as I literally came with nothing but a lot of hope and goodwill. I am still very thankful to her, because that job made me take my very first step towards the wonderful world of the Concierge profession.

There, the Receptionists had to cover some of the usual Concierge duties, such as arranging tours, attractions, transportation, restaurants and so on. I found myself loving that part of the job much more than the receptionist one. I thus decided my next job had to be as a Concierge and started my journey at the Crowne Plaza Kensington in 2013, then moved to Luxury Collection at the Park Tower Knightsbridge, until I became Assistant Head Concierge at the iconic The London EDITION, Head Concierge at the W London and finally, joined the pre-opening team as the Head Concierge of what has been recognised amongst the best openings of 2023, The BoTree.

Are there any specific mentors you’ve looked to for guidance, and how have they helped you on your journey?
I will be forever grateful to Tony Rossi, who was my Head Concierge at Crowne Plaza Kensington. He gave me my first opportunity and it is thanks to him and the trust he had in me that I started my Concierge career. I am also very grateful to Fabrizio Piras, who was Head Concierge of The London EDITION; he gave me the opportunity to progress in my career and become Assistant Head Concierge there, as well as guiding me along my path towards my Golden Keys. Additionally, I could also tell in all honesty that I find daily inspiration from many fellow Golden Keys members and from the Committee whole. It really is a wonderful world, the one of the Golden Keys!


What has been the highlight of your career so far?
I promise it is not bragging, but I have four that are all very dear to me! I will go chronologically. Number one is, of course, becoming a Golden Keys member. The second after I started as a Concierge, I counted down the days to reach 5 years and apply. This is one the most important milestones for any Concierge.

Number two, when I won the “In service through friendship” award. This award goes to the Golden Keys Concierge whom most embodies the values of the Golden Keys Society, and it is voted by all the members. When I heard my name calling, I was almost in tears! Thankfully they did not make me make a speech, as I was literally lost for words!

Number three, my first hotel opening, with The BoTree. The amazing reviews we get are a joy for our eyes and it is incredible what we have achieved and created with this independent luxury lifestyle hotel in just a year; I am very excited to see what’s next.

Number four, when I was elected to be part of the Golden Keys Committee, as a Business Affiliate Liaison Officer. I still can’t believe that one of my biggest “Concierge dreams” is now reality! If I look back at my career, I still can see that kid who was initially struggling to even find a Concierge job. I can’t believe what I have achieved. Sometimes I still think I am dreaming. What a journey has been so far! And I can tell you, I am enjoying the ride to the fullest.

Dealing with guests cannot always be easy; what’s your approach to winning over ‘difficult’ guests?
The key word is always “empathy.” I put myself in their shoes. I maintain my calm; a positive attitude and I listen. It is the same outside of work; some people feel frustrated and all they really need is a sincere smile and a friendly chat sometimes. I always try the best I can to make my guests happy. No tricks, just honest care.

What personal sacrifices have you had to make to become successful in this field?
What I have sacrificed the most is my sleep! I try to find a balance between my personal life and work life. I am the kind of person who always gives 101% to what he loves. So, since I love my job and I also love to be present for my dear ones, the only way is to sleep less, sometimes.

What attributes does one need to be a good Head Concierge?
The values of humility, truth and love are essential. A good Head Concierge also listens, learns, motivates and cares about his team. Leadership skills are important, but I believe that often people skills are even more important.


If you could give advice to a Concierge new to this profession, what would it be?
You must love to make people happy. It is as simple as that. This is the real secret of a successful Concierge. And curiosity! Explore, study, research. Don’t be afraid of asking questions. I always say: ‘There are never stupid questions. Only stupid answers.’ I personally like to challenge myself to learn something new, pushing myself out of my comfort zone. When you think you know the answers, try to change the questions!

What is the most rewarding thing about being a Concierge?
It may sound cheesy, but the most rewarding thing is seeing people happy. Knowing that, thanks to the assistance of a good Concierge, some parents made their children happy, or a special occasion became extra special. My team and I always strive to gift our guests with memorable and unforgettable experiences.